Galleria Granelli
Contemporary Art Gallery in Castiglioncello
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    Bazzoni Carlo
      -    -  Bazzoni Carlo

    Bazzoni Carlo

    Carlo Bazzoni was born in Bologna in 1940

    From his hometown the symbolist painter Carlo Bazzoni moved first to Florence then to Rome.
    He cultivates numerous interests, follows the courses of the School of Graphic and Advertising Art and works as a creative with the most important advertising agencies and, at the same time, also begins to experiment with various painting techniques, such as oil, acrylic and experimental techniques, feeling strongly the stimuli that they came from the Roman artistic ferments of the 1960s.

    In 1962 he enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts and also attended the Free Nude Course. His continuous research, the desire for new experiences and the strong desire to make contact with different realities, push Bazzoni to travel. He will live for some time in Canada, where he lives with the fruit of his painting, then returns to Europe and continues his artistic activity by moving frequently to Germany, Belgium, France and Switzerland. His first solo exhibition dates back to 1963 and was held at the “L’isola” gallery in Florence.

    Gianni Franceschetti writes about him: Carlo Bazzoni, in his constant search for rigor to translate fantasy and feeling into sign and color, arrives in the area of ​​magical asceticism and reaches extraordinary colouristic and plastic hugs. Its palette fosters stimuli and solutions that are so penetrating and rich that they sometimes obliterate themselves in esoteric stylistic and mysterious backgrounds, others in an echo of Gregorian nocturnal chants in cathedrals made transparent by the same lightness of the song that surpasses and praises the solid structures of the ancient monastery … Carlo Bazzoni rediscovers the elegance in art that today is ignored because it is considered outdated. And it makes it a matter of taste and a need for style, a lexicon necessary to translate the poetry that surrounds it. And those intense greens, those sometimes explosive reds, sometimes subdued, those mysterious cobalt blues sublimated in diaphanous layers, take on the movement of grace and congenial grace.

    Its confident and courteous character is reflected in the energy of the composition and the lyricism of the content. His works do not feel the wear and tear of time because on the image level, obtained with deep knowledge and use of pictorial techniques, they have the validity of artistic relevance and multipurpose contemporaneity. Bazzoni, who is mainly dedicated to compositions with metaphysical symbols, has exhibited in numerous solo shows both in Italy and abroad, always winning great acclaim for his work. His most recent reviews were held in Padua (Arte Fiera), Amalfi (Arsenali Navali), Naples (Galleria Artmida), Altdorf (Galerie Willy Muller and Kleingalerie), Bari (MONDIART, Expo Arte), Livorno (Ricci Arte), Switzerland (Fluen, Galerie Apertura), Amalfi Coast (Colors on the Coast), Rome (Fidia Arte Moderna), Foggia (European Art Center), Amalfi Coast (Colors on the coast), Milan (Fedele Arte).
    Argon, Arnold, Pace, Bellonzi, Benincasa, Di Genova, Mander, Masi, Miceli, Scorza, Nardon, Pace, Pinzati, Serangeli, Salvati, Thomas, Sciortino, Voleri, Viray also spoke about him.
    His works appear in important collections of public and private bodies, in various Italian and foreign cities.