Boetti Alighiero
Dal mare alle stelle (From the sea to the stars)
Single Work
Collage, graphite, acrylic in mixed technique on rome paper, archived work, 67×49 cm, 1990, work published in “Disegno Italiano” and “Itinerari” Ed. La Scaletta
Price: Private negotiation
FOCUS:”From the sea to the stars” of the cycle “I Vedenti”
Boetti was fascinated by the fact that the blind referred to the non-blind as “the sighted”, and adapted the term for his purposes, incorporating it into several works by various means. In some works the artist has used his finger to spell the phrase in the holes of a wet plaster slab. A game on the dot patterns of Braille, the work creates and complicates the conditions of tactility, visibility and readability. (Later, Boetti fabricated a piercing seal which he used to sign prints and drawings.) Boetti believed that artists were privileged and visionary figures with the gift of extra insight and a mystical understanding of the world and its potential, and he expanded the meaning of “The sighted” to refer to them. He hoped that viewers, mulling over the sentence, would be tempted to achieve that visionary status.